自動安裝必要程式執行元件 - All in One Runtimes, 電腦安裝完作業系統之後,通常需要安裝像Microsoft .Net Framework、Visual C++、DirectX、Flash Player、JRE...等等必要元件,以便讓使用這些元件設計的相關程式可正常執行,而這個程式內建所有最新版必備元件,只要執行「aio- runtimes.exe」就可以自動完成所有必要元件的安裝!並會自動忽略已安裝元件,避免重複安裝。

The "All in One Runtimes" package combines all important runtime packages are required to ensure that all programs will work smoothly.
- The AiO Runtimes Installer package, while maintaining a convenient models of the opportunity to select which Runtimes to be installed!
- The installer recognizes already installed runtimes and shows the relevant options from right to avoid a double installation.

※支援的作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64位元)
※注意:安裝前請先按「暫停」,取消「.Net 德文語言套件」的安裝後,再按「安裝」!


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